Entry Waiver

I hereby acknowledge and agree to the following:

I am aware that all outdoor activities involve a level of risk to personal injury. I acknowledge that cycling can be considered dangerous in some circumstances and that it can sometimes involve the risk of personal injury and loss or damage of cycling equipment and other belongings.

I understand and accept the risks involved with my entry to the 2024 Lake Hume Cycle Challenge. I have made myself aware of the locality, rules of the ride and danger presented in this outdoor activity.

I agree to abide by all rules and reasonable directions of the organisers of the 2024 Lake Hume Cycle Challenge and shall adhere to all safety regulations including not not limited to the road rules in New South Wales and victoria. I also confirm that I am covered by my own cycling and public liability insurance and make it known that I do not  require coverage for such risk from the organisers of the 2024 Lake Hume Cycle Challenge.

I take responsibility for and hereby indemnify and hold harmless the 2024 Lake Hume Cycle Challenge Committee and its officers, ’employees and persons associated with it in relation to any event or omission which may give rise to a claim on my part in relation to loss, damage, costs, injury whether to myself or persons or to property to the extend allowable by law. I take responsibility for my own actions or omissions and shall not make any claim against the 2024 Lake Hume Cycle Challenge, its officers, employees or persons associated with it on the alleged grounds of negligence, breach of contracts or on any other basis except to the extend of any legislative entitlements which cannot be overridden by this notice.

I acknowledge and agree that I am only permitted to enter the 2024 Lake Hume Cycle Challenge as a result of having been able to make these representations to the 2024 Lake Hume Cycle Challenge Committee and its officers, employees and persons associated with it and that such parties will rely on this waiver in the event of any claim being raised by me.